How to Create a Push Recommendation Campaign

How to Create a Push Recommendation Campaign

How to create Push Recommendation campaigns that can be customised with Segmentify's algorithms?

Push Recommendation campaigns offer the opportunity to send personalised push notifications for any period with the desired Segmentify algorithm. These algorithms are listed below.

  • Smart Offers: A personalised machine learning algorithm that recommends products based on best-matching categories and behaviour of the current visitor during the last visit.

  • Top Sellers: An algorithm that recommends the top-selling products from the current product category or category of current product or the overall e-commerce site.

  • New Arrivals: A machine learning algorithm that recommends new arrivals from the e-commerce site.

  • Last Visited: An algorithm that reminds visitors of all products they have visited during their lifetime on all platforms of the online shop.

  • Last Purchased: An algorithm that recommends the last products visitors have purchased in their last session.

  • Spotlights: A machine learning algorithm that intelligently sorts all the products on an e-commerce site.

  • Discounted Products: An intelligent algorithm that catches the price drops of all products and recommends them to the customers.

  • Predefined Products: A straightforward algorithm that recommends the products pre-defined for each product.

The steps to create a Push Recommendation campaign are as follows.

Step 1. Login to our panel.

Step 2. Select Push module from the sidebar.

Step 3. On the Push page that opens, select Push Recommendation from the sidebar.

Step 4. Click on the "Add Campaign" button to go to the campaign creation page.

Step 5. Fill in the required fields to create the campaign on the page that opens. These fields and their explanations are given in detail below:

 Push Recommendation Campaign Edit Screen

  1. Campaign Name: A campaign name must be entered in this field. With this name, the campaign can be found easily on the panel.

  2. Start Date: It is the field where the start date of the campaign is selected. The campaign is published with the date selected from this area.

  3. End Date: It is the field where the end date of the campaign is selected. The campaign stops running as of the date selected from this area.

  4. Device Types: With this field, the devices the campaign will run on are selected. There are options such as Web and App.

  5. Lifetime: In this area, the number of hours the campaign will be visible after following the initial launch can be determined. For example, if it is chosen as 72, it means the users that are opening their PCs after 71 hours will get the push notifications. When the 72 hours are finished, the sending of this push campaign will be stopped. 

  6. Language: The language of the Push Recommendation campaign can be selected, but the contexts of the language must be entered. For the "session-based" option, the specific languages available in the account must be selected and their contexts entered.

  7. Currency: By this field personalised campaign’s currency can be selected.

  8. Buttons:

  1. Preview Push Notification: How the Push Recommendation delivery to be sent to subscribers will look can be previewed from this area.

  2. Go Draft: With this button, the campaign can be saved as a draft.

  3. Go Live: With this button, it is delivered to the subscribers according to its timing.

  1. Title: This field indicates the name of the push.

  2. Action Buttons: Action buttons can be added to the push notification, which can redirect pages.

  • Only two buttons can be added to the push notifications.

  1. Hide Product Price on Push Message: It helps to hide price information in push notifications with one click.

  2. Algorithms: This is the area where the algorithm for the campaign will be selected.

  3. Filters:

  1. Include Filters: With this area, filters are added to highlight the required products in the recommendations according to the selected attributes. The values added to Include filters work as AND.

  2. Exclude Filters: This area allows narrowing down the selection of recommendations to the products that meet the criteria. The values added to Exclude filters work as OR.

  1. Scheduling: With the scheduling features, it can be planned when the push notification will be sent.

    1. Once: It can be determined on which date it will send the bulk / segmented push campaign only once.

    2. Periodic: This option can be used if the bulk / segmented push campaign is desired to run with certain date ranges.

    3. As soon as possible: It delivers the bulk / segmented push to the subscribers as soon as possible.

  2. Target Audience: With Target Audience, the campaign can be customised according to segments. The options are:

  1. The Visitor is in: It is shown to users for the selected segment.

b. The Visitor is not in: It is shown to users except for the selected segment.

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